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The Priapus Shot is now available!
This all-inclusive service is
priced at just $950!

Image by Alekon pictures

While we are bombarded with male enhancement ads, none of them offer a long-term solution.

Pills, creams and machines can only offer a temporary fix and may not address all of the factors that negatively affect a man’s sex life, sexual satisfaction and intimate relationships.

The Priapus Shot®, or P-Shot®, is a minimally invasive, in-office procedure that offers long-lasting results for men who want to enhance their sex lives or recover the libido and prowess they once had.

By using the body’s own powers of healing and strengthening, the P-Shot® can enhance size, staying-power and drive for better sex for men and their partners.

The P-Shot®, named for Priapus, the Greek god of fertility, treats the penis with blood-derived growth factors – specifically platelet-rich plasma or PRP.

Developed by Dr. Charles Runels, the P-Shot® is a sexual rejuvenation procedure for the penis. Studies have indicated that the P-shot improves the health, circulation, strength and size of the penis while increasing sexual desire.

The P-Shot® stimulates the actual growth of new tissue, so results are not from a foreign intervention, but from the body rejuvenating and healing itself.

Image by Adam Griffith
Couple in Bed

A single treatment with P-Shot® has immediate results that last. Proven effects on the penis include:

  • Increased size

  • Improved strength

  • Increased sex drive

  • Increased circulation for a healthier organ

  • Improved effectiveness for complementary therapies such as Viagra or Cialis

  • Increased sensation and pleasure

  • Increased size by design by varying injection sites

  • Proven to work in multiple studies

  • No allergic reactions

  • No lumpiness

  • Minimal pain

Most men find the procedure very comfortable using a topical lidocaine cream given that injections use a ½-inch, 30-gauge needle.

When you arrive at the office, the first step is to apply numbing lidocaine cream to the penis, covering all of the injection sites.

The PRP process begins with a blood draw from your arm, just like any routine blood test.

We then use a centrifuge to separate the blood sample. The platelets are treated with a calcium chloride solution, which triggers their healing response, causing them to release growth factors that rebuild tissue. The liquid is transferred to a syringe and injected into the penis at the predetermined sites for customized treatment and results.

Image by Cody Black
Romantic Couple

Many men see instant results, beginning with increased girth and length. The initial size increase is a result of the platelets and the serum (or water) in the blood, plus the activated growth factors from the platelets.
Over the following three days, the body absorbs some of the fluid, and patients may feel as though they see a slight decrease in size. However, new tissue growth continues for at least 12 weeks, increasing the size to something comparable to the results seen immediately after treatment.

Click here to schedule a free 15 minute consultation! 

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